Ragglesticks Versus Wood Blocks



wood blocks for stacking

Plastic Regglestick used for stacking

Rising Lumber Prices

The news in the above link does not bode well for our own packaging boards as our purchasing dept.discovered already this year with the big increases we have been forced to absorb.

Would the use of Ragglesticks help other manufactures save the cost of lumber. Whenever the use of Ragglesticks eliminates lumber such as wooden blocks, flat separators, and some exterior strapping boards like the ones we do NOT use on top of our 8” and 12” bundles.

  • Less strapping used.
  • Less strapping waste.
  • No wooden blocks lying on the floor or to retrieve from bottom of nearly empty box.
  • Easy to train new operators.
  • Easier to remember correct placement of ragglesticks than block pattern.
  • Easier to position ragglesticks from edge of bundle than to  reach across Bundle to position blocks –more operator comfort.
  • Easier to carry and place 2 ragglesticks per layer than 8 wooden blocks (8” sewer).
  • Ragglesticks will not fall over after placement on pipe –lay flat.
  • Easier to confirm that ragglestick is located properly during and after building of package.
  • Precise dimensions- each ragglestick saddle is the same curvature as the pipe and the centerline spacing is equal to pipe O.D.
  • Wooden blocks for 8” sewer should be 3.48” but are usually  3 5/8 x 3 ½ to   keep the straps tight which causes pipe distortion and visible impressions on the I.D.
  • Position identification-each ragglestick is printed ,i.e. 8”Sewer -6 (notch).
  • Position identification-each bundle is stretch wrapped and labeled on 2 sides with the product identification, size and item number, i.e. 8S6N, #105.
  • Permanence of plastic versus wood, no knots, no rotting, no termites, no rodent infestation and  will not burn, can be stored indoors or outdoors at least 4 bundles high.
  • Recyclable- can be brought back to plant for re-use or can be ground up for recycling.
  • Less labor (time) required to package using plastic ragglesticks than in placing blocks and lace strapping – Giving the operator more time to do other duties, i.e. Q.C. checks, load gaskets in belling machine, empty vacuum collection, perhaps even be responsible for 2 ½  or 3 lines instead of  2.
  • Using less strapping will require less maintenance of the strapping tools and less frequent replacement of the tightening or feed wheel and the punch and   die tool.  Also less prone to slip when tensioning of the strapping since wheels will wear out much slower.
  • Easier to make special bundles to fit mixed loads or to match customers exact needs for a direct shipment to a job. Can add or delete layers by changing  just 2 straps.
  • Easier to replace off-spec or sub-standard pipe in a bundle in the Q.C.  holding  area.  Just slide it out and the replacement in without breaking down the bundle.
  • Easier to make combination bundles of 2 sizes in the same bundle as shown in the photo at bottom of page of a mixed bundle of 12” and 8”.
  • Yard storage can be more dense because of higher stacks- Higher stacking of bundles is possible because of stability afforded by  stacking pipe one on top of another in double-sided saddles and no fear of wood separators or blocks deteriorating beyond serviceability.
  • Eliminate the possibility of wooden blocks working their way out of the back of the bundle traveling down the highway and hitting someone’s windshield.
  • Distributors will like ragglestick packages better because they will stay orderly and stacked after  the straps are cut.
  • Contractors will like ragglestick packages better because there are  lessstraps to cut and dispose of when stringing the pipe along the trench.
  • Contractor will like the ragglesticks from a broken package to use for marking service locations in a new installation.
ragglesticks are thinner than wood


More on “How to build a RAGGLESTICK Package